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 “Getting your foot in the door is like winning the lottery. It’s literally like winning the lottery if you get to have a career. And I’ve always felt, okay, now I’ve gotten this shot, and I’m lucky to have gotten this shot, and if I don’t do this to the best of my ability, I’ve wasted this incredibly golden opportunity. And that’s always been what has propelled(激勵) me.”

That’s what Leonardo DiCaprio said in an interview and there’s no denying that he has propelled himself pretty far. He starred in some of the biggest films of his generation, playing lead roles in The Aviator, Inception, The Great Gatsby and The Wolf of Wall Street. Plus, how can we forget Titanic?

Leonardo Dicaprio, the handsome man from Titanic with boyish good looks and great charm, would go on to become one of the best and most accomplished actors of his generation—one of the most popular. Yes, DiCaprio was once regarded as an actor defined entirely by his good looks, and yet—over the course of the past decade—he’s managed to change people’s mind.

On Sunday night, the 41-year-old actor finally took home his first Oscar (Actor in a Leading Role) for his performance in The Revenant.

To a lengthy and loud applause from the audience, DiCaprio took the stage, but he used the time to highlight a topic much bigger than himself: global warming.

DiCaprio always fights for a good cause. On Sept. 26th, 2015, in the Global Citizen Festival in New York City, the actor urged everyone to save the plantet and help the underprivileged(弱勢羣體).

DiCaprio has been striving more not only to get the Oscar award but also to give the audience a great movie and the best performance of the role assigned to him. He knew early on—from the age of around 15—that pursuing characters with depth is more valuable than appearing in just any film, for the sake of a bigger paycheck. He put the potential of building a career in movies before any desire for fame and, more particularly, fortune.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 10 WORDS)

78. How did DiCaprio describe his career in the interview?

79. In the past ten years, DiCaprio successfully turned from ________ into one of the best actors of his generation.

80. According to the passage, DiCaprio keeps striving for something more than film acting and inspires people to ______ and ______.

81. What has DiCaprio cherished most since he got his foot in the acting career?


78. By comparing it to winning the lottery.

79. an actor defined entirely by his good looks

80. save the planet/earth, help the underprivileged, control global warming. (三個中寫出兩個即可)

81. Pursuing characters with depth.



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