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Many things can cause stress in a child’s life, but you must remember that some kinds of stress are good and   1   are bad. The good kind of stress can help you to do things   2  . For example, you may do a better job on your report because the worry makes you prepare it well   3   you read it to the class.

Some stress is bad if the stressful feelings keep going for a long time. You may not feel well if your parents are   4   , if a family member is sick or if you’re having   5   at school. That kind of stress isn’t going to help you, and it can make you   6  .

    If you find that you are stressed, you can try talking about what is troubling you with   7   adult that you trust(信任),   8  a parent or a teacher. He or   9  may have some good ideas and tell you   10   to solve your problems.

1. A. other         B. the other        C. others

2. A. good          B. Well         C. nice

3. A. after         B. when         C. before

4. A. fighting      B. working      C. resting

5. A. questions     B. problem          C. problems

6. A. upset         B. happy            C. angry

7. A. a             B. an               C. the

8. A. look like     B. as               C. like

9. A. I             B. we               C. she

10. A. why          B. when         C. how


1. C。由句中的“some”可知其後面應用others與其呼應。some. . . others. . . 意為“一些……另一些……”。故選C。

2. B。由上下文語境知這種壓力有助於你把事情做好。do. . . well“把……做好”, well是副詞, 作狀語, 修飾説明動作。

3. C。由語境知此處意為“在向全班同學閲讀之前”, before“在……之前”, 故選C。

4. A。由句中的“may not feel well”可知只有A項fighting“爭吵”符合語境。

5. C。由語境知此處意為“如果你在學校遇到問題”, problem“問題”, 指需要解決的問題, 是可數名詞, 其複數形式為problems。have problems“遇到問題”。故選C。

6. A。由第二段第一句及語境知此處意為“這種壓力會使你心煩”。upset“心煩的, 沮喪的”。

7. B。表示“泛指”, 且adult以元音音素開頭, 故其前用an。

8. C。此處表示列舉, 故用like。like作介詞時, 意為“像……”。

9. C。由前面的he可知其後應用she與之對應。

10. C。此處意為“如何解決你的問題”。how“如何;怎樣”。故選C。



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