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When I was 16 years old and in foster care (非親代養)in Tennessee, people told me I was unadoptable. But I desperately wanted a family. I sought the help of a judge, even the commissioner of the Department of Children’s Services, and was adopted just a week before my 18th birthday.      We have a lot to be grateful for and this holiday season let’s not forget about the more than 415,000 youth in foster care especially older youth. These youth are the most likely to get overlooked for adoption, but they shouldn’t be. They need and deserve a family just as much as young children do. Making an older youth a part of your family can bring just as much a joy as adopting a baby or a younger child—without all the diapers and potty training.

My adoption was life changing and probably the best thing that ever happened to me. I still remember the first gift my parents gave to me. It was a Mickey Mouse key chain with a key to their home. They told me that no matter what happened they would always love me and I’d always have a place to come home to. This is our 17th Thanksgiving together...     My first Thanksgiving with my family was a little overwhelming with lots of extended family including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. However, it’s when I realized that I would never have to spend another holiday alone and that was truly an amazing feeling.      I was always eager to spend time with my little sister, Beth. She was six when I joined the family. My dad always says he knew we were really sisters, and I was no longer a guest in the house when Beth and I had our first fight. Today, she’s one of my best friends, and I’m her biggest cheerleader.     There were also bittersweet Thanksgivings. One we spent in my mom’s hospital room. It was there that she helped me plan my wedding but passed away three weeks before the ceremony. My dad walked me down the aisle, and my sister was my maid of honor. Because of our bond, we were able to support each other through that challenging time and that’s what family is for—the good and bad times.      It’s nice having my dad and sister to share holidays and special occasions. But they’re even more important when it comes to the little things—like having someone to share my bad day with, celebrate my promotion at work, or help me think through a difficult decision. It’s in these moments that I just can’t imagine being alone in the world.     I’m so glad that I didn’t listen to those people who said I was unadoptable, I’d never find a family, and that I was putting myself out there for rejection. It’s a risk for older foster youth to consider adoption. It’s an opportunity to be rejected once again. But it’s a risk they should take because life doesn’t end at 18. It’s really just beginning.      If you know someone who might consider adopting an older teen, please share my story -- and have him or her think of my family. They didn’t get to see my first steps or watch me be a pilgrim in my second grade Thanksgiving play. But they taught me so many things about life, and were there to watch me walk across the stage when I graduated from college and law school and accompanied me to the White House last year as I was honored for my work helping foster youth.      I look forward to many more Thanksgivings with my family, and I’m eternally thankful they chose me to be a part of their family. 

1. What does the author’s personal experience indicate?

A. It’s rather difficult for older youth to be adopted. 

B. Older youth bring less joy than babies.

C. It’s boring having a bittersweet Thanksgiving. 

D. An older youth aged 18 is too old to need a family.

2. What contributes to the author’s feeling that she can’t imagine being alone in the world?

   A. The family’s giving the author a Mickey Mouse as a gift.

B. The author’s spending her Thanksgiving with her extended family for 17 years.

C. The mother’s failing to attend the author’s wedding ceremony for her severe disease.

D. The family’ s always sharing happiness and sorrow with her.

3. What does adoption for older youth really mean?

A. It means not living alone any longer.          B. It means being taken good care of by others.

C. It means being successful in career.   D. It means being loved and a sense of belonging.

4. The underlined sentence “It’s an opportunity to be rejected once again.” in Paragraph 8 means that ___.

A. older teens take the opportunity to be adopted 

B. older teens are less likely to be adopted

C. older teens create the opportunity to be adopted

D. older teens are in danger of being adopted

5. What’s the author’s main purpose of writing the passage?

A. To express her appreciation for her family.                    

B. To show sympathy to the unadoptable older youth.

C. To appeal to more people to adopt the older youth.

D. To persuade the readers not to believe others’ words.





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