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Looking for Diamonds(鑽石)

Near the Indus River lived a farmer whose name was Ali Hafed. He owned fields, gardens, animals and fruit trees. He was a happy and wealthy man. One day Ali Hafed was visited by an old monk, The monk sat by the fire.  He told the farmer how the world was formed (形成)and ended his story by saying “ The diamond is the most precious(珍奇的)in the world. It is a drop of sunlight. If you have a handful of diamonds you can buy a whole country”

Ali Hafed could not get the thought of diamonds out of his mind, He kept thinking, “I want a handful of diamonds” The next morning he want to the monk’s house. He asked. “Where can I find diamonds?” The monk said ,“First find a river must run over white sands, the river must be between high mountains. In the while sands , you     will find diamonds.”

Ail Hafed sold his farm and left his family in the care of friends. He went in the search of diamonds. Following the story, he walked and walked. Yeas had passed, Finally his family(財物)was gone, A great wave came and he threw his body into it. He sank beneath the wave. He died a sad pauper.

1. What man was Ail Hafed before he left his family?

A  A rich man       B A poor man    C A sad man    D A sick man

2 old monk told Ail Hafed he would find diamonds____

A near his owe house   B by the sea    C in a river      D beside field

3 the passage we can conclude(推斷出)that_____

A the old monk knew Ail Hafed would not return

B Ail felt money was more important than his family or friends

C the old monk planned to fool Ail Hafed

D Ail Hafed was not happy at home

4 this passage a pauper is _____

A a salesman        B a beggar       C a old man     D a farmer

5 her good title for this passage would be ____

A Ail Hafed and the monk             B A way to Be Rich

C Death Near the Sea                 D From Richs to Rags(破布)


1.A  2.C  3.B  4.B  5.D



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