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HowtoAchieveYourFullPotential  Onceyouhaveknownyourfull...

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HowtoAchieveYourFullPotential  Onceyouhaveknownyourfull...

How to Achieve Your Full Potential

   Once you have known your full potential, it’s time to work continuously towards achieving it.   36  

   Determine what your full potential is. At its heart, achieving your full potential is about being the best person that you can be and is about expressing yourself to the fullest. Since everyone is different person, however, full potential is a relative term and you’ll view the concept in a different way from your best friend, your teacher, and from other people in your life.   37 

Is there something I have ever wanted to do, such as dancing, singing, writing, or playing aporta?

Are there any physical aspects of myself I could work on, such as losing weight or building up muscles?

Commit to achieve your goal. Once you have confirmed that your goal is achievable and realistic, got to work.   ___38   However, once you get past that first step, you’ll be onto success!

___39   You don’t go from crawling to running –you have to take your baby steps first. Once you gather the energy and mindset(思維模式)needed to take on our task, no matter how big, slow down and take a peek (看一眼)at eye level.

Accept pain. Failures will happen; they’re a natural part of life.  40   They will help you figure out what you are capable of, and what needs work as you move towards achieving your goals.

A. Take small steps

B. Determine what you’re shooting for

C. Once you get going, do challenge yourself

D. The most difficult part of beginning anything is beginning

E. Sail your own ocean, and you never know what you might find

F. Failures are a simple way of showing you what works and what doesn’t

G. As you continue to discover your own potential, consider these questions.





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