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Someone says, “Time is money.” But I think time is __1__ important than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can get it back. However, when time is   2   it’ll never   3  . That’s   4   we mustn’t waste time.   It goes without saying that the   5   is usually limited. Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do   6__    useful.   But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time. They spent their limited time smoking, drinking and   __7  . They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own __8  .   In a word, we should save time. We shouldn’t   9   today’s work for tomorrow. Remember we have no time to   10  .

1. A. much       B. less            C. much less          D. even more   2. A. cost       B. bought          C. gone               D. finished   3. A. return     B. carry           C. take               D. bring   4. A. what       B. that            C. because            D. why   5. A. money      B. time            C. day                D. food   6. A. nothing    B. something       C. anything           D. everything   7. A. reading    B. writing         C. playing            D. working   8. A. time       B. food            C. money              D. life   9. A. stop       B. leave           C. let                D. give   10. A. lose      B. save            C. spend              D. take


1.D。該句中多音節形容詞important的比較級應是 more important ,用even來修飾比較級,故選 even more important。   2.C。這裏表示時間流逝,故選gone。   3.A。時間流逝就不會再回來,根據文意應選return。   4.D。上文解釋了我們為什麼不能浪費時間,承接上文應用why。   5.B。時間的流逝悄無聲息,故應選 time。   6.B。根據文意可知,我們應珍惜時間,做一些有用的事情,故選something。   7.C。該句列舉了一些人浪費時間的例子,四個選項中只有playing能和smoking, drinking 相提並論,故選playing。   8.D。根據文意,浪費時間就是浪費自己的生命,故選life。   9.B。leave意為“留下,剩下”。根據文意,我們不能把今天的事留到明天做,故選 leave。   10.A。這裏表示浪費時間,故選lose。



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