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61.export                                     A.bagstha...

欄目: 練習題 / 發佈於: / 人氣:1.72W


61.export                                     A.bagstha...

61. export                                       A. bags that people take with them when they travel

62. baggage                                         B. to try extremely hard to achieve something

63. expand                                   C. to become larger in size, number or amount

64. outspoken                                D. a short informal test

65. welfare                                    E. happiness and health of people

66. bond                                       F. on or onto a ship, plane, bus or train

67. project                                      G. task that requires a lot of time and effort

68. aboard                                      H. close connection that people have with each other

69. quiz                                    I. giving opinions openly and honestly

70. struggle                                    J. to send things to foreign countries for sale





 等差數列前17項和,則A.3             B.6                    C.  ...  關於電解質溶液的正確判斷是                                    A.在pH... 下列緯線最長的是      (    )                       A.10°S      ... 英文字母P代表       。             A.換擋                      B... OTC是非處方*物的簡稱                                       (   ... 與字母R發音相同的是()。A.Hi                                      ... 不等式組的解集為                                      (    )A.x... 物質X的化學式為C3H4O6,可發生反應:                                  ... 已知(    )   A.6             B.9             C.12        ... 雙曲線的焦距是(      )  A.3                 B.6               ... 太陽活動強弱的標誌是                      A.X*線                  ... 化簡的結果是                                 (  )      A.-cos... 下列物質中屬於鹽的是(  )                                   A.MgO ...  已知(      )A.6             B.9             C.12        ...  下列生命活動中不需要ATP提供能量的是                              (    ...
下列説法正確的是                                     (  )A.1mol... 函數f(x)=lg的定義域為(  )A.(1,4)                              ... 若,則的值為:( )                             A.1            B... 下列敍述正確的是                                    (   ) A.1mo...  下列物質中,屬於鹼的是                              (  )A、KOH    ... 等比數列中,已知,則  A.6            B.8             C.10        ... 960萬平方千米是指我國的                                 (      )A... 地球的平均半徑是   (  )                                   A、637... A.dear                 B.photo C.ring                  ... 把61萬用科學記數法可表示為                                         ... 已知方程組,則x+y的值為(  )           A. ﹣1                      ... 單項選擇Thanks          yourhelp.A、at                      ... 在26個字母中   和   可以單獨成詞。 A.R;E                  B.O;U     ... 小號的衣服標識為   。 A.S                     B.M               ... 已知數列滿足,則=                                (   )A.64     ...