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   Are you concerned about the effect of the haze(霧霾) in Singapore on the health of your children? Then you should read the following passage.

“Young children, especially those with lung or heart illness, should avoid outdoor activity at PSI(Pollution Standards Index--- used in Singapore) levels above 100,” says Dr Biju Thomas.

The immune system(免疫系統) of children is not mature. ___­­­­­11___ Exposure to the haze can result in symptoms such as a blocked nose, dry throat, breathing difficulty, and so on.

Children who are exposed to the haze and experience any of these symptoms which are not serious should recover on their own in time if they limit their exposure to the haze. ___12___

To keep children safe during the haze in Singapore, parents should keep doors and windows closed at home. Ensure children drink plenty of pure water every day.

___13___ The answer is that there aren’t any N95 masks designed for use by children. That’s because these masks are made to create a seal(密封) around the mouth and nose of the adult user so particles(顆粒) can not get in. __14__

Surgical masks may not offer enough protection from the harmful particles in the haze, which is very small (2.5 microns or less). There is usually some gap between the surgical mask and the face, through which the haze particles may easily get in. ___15___  However, if it is necessary to take children outdoors during a haze, parents may wish to offer children’s surgical mask to their children, if it brings them comfort, such as filtering out the smell from the haze.

A.  So during a haze, children are especially at risk.

B.  Allow children for regular travels from one building to another.

C.  However, if the symptoms continue, they should ask a doctor for help.

D.  The available N95 masks may not fit tightly on the face of a child.

E.  So you can use a conditioner instead of opening the windows regularly.

F.  So it is best to keep children indoors to protect them from the haze when the PSI is high.





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