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Public service advertising is designed to inform the public on issues that are frequently considered to be in the general best interests of the community at cally,it reflects a political viewpoint,philosophical theory, religious concept or humanitarian notion(觀念) is also commonly referred to as a public service announcement (PSA) or a community service announcement (CSA) ads are usually broadcast on radio or television,buy may also appear in newspapers or are common in industrialized counties throughout the world.

PSAs are commonly aimed at changing public attitudes by raising consciousness about particular issues. Health, conservation and safety themes are popular in many public service advertising campaigns are often sponsored by trade associations,civic organizations,non-profit institutions or religious groups.

Most public service advertising involves joint efforts of the private and public -profit groups and government agencies commonly team up with private mass media,promotion and advertising firms to produce spots for radio,television and print commonly,the non-profit agency creates the message and an advertising firm develops the campaign,polishes it to meet industry standards and plans its distribution,all free of charge. Television and radio stations usually broadcast these ads at no charge,and magazines and newspapers customarily publish them for free as well.

In recent years,it has become commonplace for U.S. television stations to feature public service advertising spots immediately following a broadcast that has focused on an issue considered sensitive and of concern to many members of the general e PSA broadcasts generally offer addresses,websites and toll-free telephone numbers for information of the topics focuse4d on in the PSAs have included child abuse,AIDS and civil rights.

's the main purpose of PSAs?

sell more products through some special ways.         change consumer's attitudes through media.

improve people's awareness about special issues.              make more famous stars known to the public.

does the author like PSAs?

thinks it good to make PSAs.                        is against the idea of PSAs.

is curious about the idea of PSAs.                     thinks PSAs are completely to make money.

can we learn from the passage?

of the PSAs are made by the government.                    will make big profits for trade associations.

offer various topics in many different areas.          are mainly broadcast on television currently.





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