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1.最低*的不斷提高可能會使僱主們不願意僱傭缺乏經驗的年輕人,他在阿里巴巴工作過五年, 所以在經驗方面, 他較其他求職者而言有着明顯的優勢。 ( term )

2.只有相關各方更多地關注青少年,他們才能形成正確的價值觀,並且能夠明白這樣一個道理: 每個人都要為自己的決定負責,因為人生就是一系列的選擇。 (Only )

3.為了緩解市中心的交通的壓力,當地*年初公佈了私家車使用的計劃, 令大家滿意的是*採取的這項措施比預期更有效。 (release)

4.人們從來沒有像今天這樣如此關注他們的飲食, 意識到健康重要*的人們越來越關注食品安全與膳食均衡 的問題, 這是保持健康的關鍵。 (Never)

5.儘管經濟不景氣, 但我公司估計,今年的增長率仍會達到 6%, 多年以來,我公司一直致力於產品質量的管理,以期能夠更好地服務於大眾。 ( committed)



1.Rising minimum wages may discourage employers from hiring inexperienced young people, said Mr. Li, who worked at Alibaba for five years,so in terms of experience,he has a distinct advantage over other applicants.

2.Only by paying more attention to teenagers can they develop the right values and understand that everyone is responsible for their decisions because life is a series of choices.

3.In order to release the traffic pressure in the city center, the local government announced a plan for the use of private cars at the beginning of this year,to the satisfaction of all, the measure taken by the government is more effective than expected.

4.Never have people paid so much attention to their diet as they do today. People who are aware of the importance of health are increasingly concerned about food safety and eating a balanced diet, which is the key to staying healthy.

5.Despite depression, our company estimates that this year's growth rate will still reach 6% , for many years, my company has been committed to product quality management, in order to better serve the public.



1.考查句子翻譯。根據提示詞並結合漢語意思可知,本句需使用in terms of在……方面,缺乏經驗的年輕人inexperienced young people,較……有明顯的優勢has a distinct advantage over。陳述客觀事實,使用一般現在時,本句可以使用who引導的定語從句。故本句翻譯為:Rising minimum wages may discourage employers from hiring inexperienced young people, said Mr. Li, who worked at Alibaba for five years,so in terms of experience,he has a distinct advantage over other applicants.

2.考查倒裝。根據所給提示詞和句意可知,本句可以使用only加狀語位於句首的倒裝句,時態使用一般現在時。關注pay attention to,形成正確的價值觀develop the right values,為……負責be responsible for。故本句翻譯為: Only by paying more attention to them can they develop the right values and understand that everyone is responsible for their decisions because life is a series of choices.

3.考查句子翻譯。根據句意可知,本句使用一般過去式,為了緩解交通壓力in order to release the traffic pressure,at the beginning of this year,令大家滿意的是to the satisfaction of all,謂語動詞為announce的過去式announced。故本句翻譯為:In order to release the traffic pressure in the city center, the local government announced a plan for the use of private cars at the beginning of this year,to the satisfaction of all, the measure taken by the government is more effective than expected.

4.考查倒裝。根據所給提示詞及句意可知,首句可以使用never(否定詞)位於句首的部分倒裝句,時態使用現在完成時,“意識到健康重要*的人們越來越關注食品安全與膳食均衡 的問題, 這是保持健康的關鍵。”此處可以使用who引導的定語從句,which引導非限制定語從句,指代整個主句的內容,be aware of意識到。故本句翻譯為:Never have people paid so much attention to their diet as they do today. People who are aware of the importance of health are increasingly concerned about food safety and eating a balanced diet, which is the key to staying healthy.

5.考查句子翻譯。根據提示詞及句意可知,此處使用 be committed to 致力於…..,儘管經濟不景氣,despite depression,首句使用一般將來時,根據時間狀語“多年以來”可知,第二句使用現在完成時。故本句翻譯為:Despite depression, our company estimates that this year's growth rate will still reach 6% , for many years, my company has been committed to product quality management, in order to better serve the public.




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