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If you feel depressed, it’s best to do something about it — depression doesn’t just go away on its own. In addition to getting help from a doctor or counselor, here are four things you can do to feel better.

Exercise. Take a 15-30 minutes walk every day — or dance, jog, or bike if you prefer. People who are depressed may not feel much like being active. ___36__ Once you get in the exercise habit, it won’t take long to notice a difference in your mood.

Cherish yourself with good nutrition. Depression can affect appetite. One person may not feel like eating at all, but another might overeat. If depression has affected your eating, you’ll need to be extra mindful of getting the right food. ___37___ So eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and get regular meals (even if you don’t feel hungry, try to eat something light, like a piece of fruit, to keep you going).

Identify troubles. ___38___ When you know what’s got you feeling blue and why, talk about it with a caring friend. Talking is a way to release the feelings and to receive some understanding. If there’s no one to tell, pouring your heart out to a journal work just as well.

___39___ Depression affects a person’s thoughts, making everything seem dark, negative and hopeless. If depression has you noticing only the negative, make an effort to notice the good things in life. Try to notice one thing, and then try to think of one more. Consider your strengths, gifts, or blessings. Most of all, don’t forget to be patient with yourself. ___40___

A.Look on the bright side.

B.Take action to solve problems.

C.But make yourself do it anyway.

D.Depression takes time to heal.

E.Proper nutrition can influence a person’s mood and energy.

F.With depression, a person’s creativity and sense of fun may seem blocked.

G.Try to make out any situations that have contributed to your depression.





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