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       If you are looking for something fun and educational to do in Maryland, why not visit the Maryland Science Center? It is located at 601 Light Street, Baltimore, MD21230. The ticket prices vary depending on ages, groups and the exhibits you choose.


       The Maryland Science Center is basically a museum, but it gives everyone a chance to learn through experience and play, rather than just glance at an exhibit.


      You can learn about various topics, including outer space, the human body, dinosaurs, electricity, marine (海洋的) biology, energy, and much more. You can also take part in the interactive activities, such as racing bubbles, digging for dinosaur fossils, using puzzle pieces to construct cars, and so much more.

       The Davis Planetarium (天文館)

       At the Davis Planetarium, you can lie back in a chair and look at the stars while still inside the Science Center. The stars will appear on the ceiling of the theatre as you watch them.

       There are different shows to catch at the Davis Planetarium. You can learn about the galaxy and astronomy during the Dark Matters show and learn about the stars and planets during the Sky Live show. The One World One Sky show allows children to explore the stars. The Live from the sun show will teach you all about the hot sun.

       The Kids Room

       For children, they can’t miss the Kids Room. They will be able to play in a water area, construct dams and water towers, push buttons, ring doorbells, build with blocks and Legos, and more, and definitely they will learn a lot. In addition, there is also an area for kids of two years old and under, where they can crawl, walk and explore safely with soft toys.

1.       What do we know about the Maryland Science Center?

A.      It charges different prices for parents and children.

B.      It is regarded as the most popular museum in Maryland.

C.      It is just a museum where there are many famous exhibitions.

D.     It is mainly designed for children and their families to play together.

2.       Which activity is not included in the Maryland Science Center?

A.      Taking part in bubble competition.

B.      Learning the structure of human body.

C.      Watching famous science fiction films.

D.     Gaining knowledge of marine creatures.

3.       Which show should you choose if you want to know why the sun shines?

A.      The Dark Matters show.

B.      The Live from the Sun show.

C.      The One World One Sky show.

D.     The Sky Live show.

4.       Which of the following is TRUE about the Kids Room?

A.      It is designed for parents who have children.

B.      It provides a good opportunity for parents to relax.

C.      Children there need to be companied by their parents.

D.     It is a good place for children to learn and play at the same time.





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