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It was September 5, 2009. Lexi Youngberg, then 16, was on vacation in Spring Lake, Michigan. She was riding on a small boat with her friends, Robby and Kaitlin, when a motorboat crashed into them. The sound was so loud that other boaters heard it over the roar (轟鳴聲) of their engines. The teen boy who had been driving the motorboat stepped on the gas by mistake. Kaitlin, 23, had only small cuts, but Robby, 15, had been badly cut by the propeller (螺旋槳). And Lexi was floating facedown in the water. When one boater swam to Lexi, she was breathing. However, she was unconscious. She had a deep cut on her head. And the lower part of her left leg, just below the knee, was gone. A doctor rode up in another boat and tried to save Robby, but it was too late.

For Lexi, the good news is that she survived while the bad news is that she lost one of her legs forever. When Lexi looked at her swollen leg, she felt hopeless. But as time passed, Lexi began to feel stronger. She was grateful that her life had been spared, and she decided to make the most of it. At the end of November 2009, Lexi met with Dr. John Hardy, who was an expert at making artificial legs. She hoped he would help her get back to doing the things she loved.

Three years after the accident, Lexi moved on with her life. In spring 2011, she joined a soccer team in her school. That fall, she started college. Lexi is thankful that she can still do the things she loves. One day, she wants to be a physical therapist (理療師) and work with those with disabilities. But first she plans to compete in the Paralympics. Whatever Lexi decides to do, one thing is certain: Nothing is going to get in her way.

33. How was Lexi in the accident?

A. She had a small cut on her head.       B. She was unable to feel anything.

C. She was badly cut by the propeller.     D. She lost the lower parts of her legs.

34. What’s the right order of the events about Lexi?

a. She went to college.

b. She met with Dr. John Hardy.

c. She had one of her legs removed.

d. She played with her friends on a boat.

e. She joined a soccer team in her school.

A. d, c, b, e, a       B. c, b, a, e, d          C. d, c, e, a, b         D. c, d, a, e, b

35. The main purpose of the text is to _____.

A. persuade us not to go boating        B. entertain us with sports news

C. tell us the story of a brave teen       D. show how to survive an accident





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