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The more you give to others,the more you reap you share what you know,you will find that you grow according to the number of seeds that you is the one secret to be happier in life.

Spread cheer and teach others to do the le will gather around you to hear your wisdom,and feel your will come to receive your sharing of what is inside you,all around you,and the messages coming from above.

Life is all about giving is not about heartache or t your blessings every them in a stack that grows higher and higher,till it sets your spirit on fire with joy!

Life is good when you stand up for what you you enrich the world with your truth,then you will receive all that is good and that is grand will come to you, it takes is living from your heart to understand how the cycle of giving and receiving yes!You will discover endless perks!

For many people today,especially women who are socialized to give of themselves,and told they are selfish if they want to do something for themselves,the cycle of giving and receiving gets a person gives and does not receive,then the energy flow gets cut off.

Every person must receive,as well as re intended for that balance in creating that particular flow. Now why would that giving and receiving be a natural law?Because all people need to open themselves to receiving. In receiving you tell yourself you are worthy and deserving of what life has to offer.

5.According to this passage,the author wants to tell us ________.

A.Giving is more important than receiving

B.Receiving is more important than giving

C.Women need more receiving than giving

D.Giving and receiving is a natural law,and both are important

6.If you want to be popular with the people all around you,what should you do?

A.Giving them whatever they want to get.

B.Dancing to the music to amuse them.

C.Spreading cheer and teach others to do the same.

D.Sharing whatever you have with them.

7.For the women who are giving,which sentence is right?

A.They don't need receive or praise.

B.They are selfish if they want to do something for themselves.

C.They need receiving to encourage their energy to continue giving.

D.They can't understand the secret to be  happier in life.

8.The reason why receiving is important is that ________.

A.you are worthy and deserving of what life has to offer.

B.life is all about giving back not receiving from others.

C.the more you give to others,the more you reap yourself.

D.we living together is to receive our possessions.





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