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A As the first Chinese woman to win a Nobel Prize, Tu Youyou is very famous today. For the past 40 years, Tu has devoted herself to studying traditional Chinese medicine. Finally, her hard work paid off. She found arteminsinin. It has saved lots of peole from malaria.

B Jennidfer Lawrence is an outstanding actress. Hunger Games《飢餓遊戲》made her widely known around the world. Later her role in Silver Liningss Playbook《烏雲背後的幸福線》 won her an Oscar Award. Lawrence shows us what makes a powerful woman.

C The corridor(走廊) windows at the Hangzhou Entel Foreign School look a bit different for other schools. They are all decorated(裝飾)with beautiful paper cutting art. But they are not just for decoration. They are also to stop birds from flying into window.

D Have you heard of these animals competing in dog shows? The US just held the 140th annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in New York City. First, a dog must be 100 percent one kind of breed to compete. Dogs need good training to do well. They need to be successful at other important dog shows, too.  

EDo you use WeChat Payment or Alipay to buy things? Now, you have one more choice- Apple Pay. Apply Pay came to China on Feb 18. Thus, China is the fifth country to have this service. People who have card from 19 Chinese banks can use it with Apple Products, like the iPhone 6 or newer types of certain iPads and Apple Watches.


1. Teenagers prefer to study at a school that is decorated with paper cutting art. They feel happy.

2. My mother is fond of the actress who acts in the movie called Hunger Games.

3. Gina is good at dog shows. She is looking for a chance to watch an exciting show.

4. Many young people take great interest in WeChat Payment or Alipay to buy things.

5. Chinese people have been proud of the famous Chinese scientist Tu who found arteminsinin.


1C  2B  3D  4E  5A



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