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欄目: 練習題 / 發佈於: / 人氣:1.55W



It is dark now when I begin my early morning walk in the woods. And now that autumn has marched into winter, darkness persists well beyond my 6 a. m. start time.

Paths have become familiar after years of hiking. But rocks and tree roots have magically appeared from previously __36__ ground.

Certainly I hit my toe against or __37__ on some unseen barriers. Fallen branches from last night’s storm __38__ in wait. Layers of autumn leaves create a false floor through which my trusting footsteps __39__. Sometimes a piece of moon donates some __40__ to the mystery path. But when skies are dark, there are no __41__ clues for where I step.

My very first night hike was during summer camp on a warm August night in the woods. Our leader __42__ bright flashlights so we would not scare away the night creatures we hoped to find.

“See with your __43__,” the leader told us over and over again.

__44__, that advice took effect. With __45__ and courage, it didn’t take long before our feet became __46__ to the ground’s textures(質地) and irregularities. Toes learned to __47__ for barriers before trusting full weight on feet. Holes and dips in the ground were detected in __48__ of possible fall...

But mistakes __49__ happen. My foot gets caught on a trip and I fall. Since the pace is __50__, there is little damage except to pride. Once __51__, I pause to feel the firmness of earth beneath me.

On my way home, as dawn __52__ day, I think about how similar night hikes are to journeys through life.

The same rules often __53__ for both: slow down, concentration, “see” with new senses —and don’t be __54__. Although the path is full of __55__— hidden barriers, false surface, wet floor — the earth is solid and firm beneath. It is the nature of night ground. It is the nature of life.

36. A. level  B. soft  C. wet  D. hard

37. A. step  B. tour  C. trip  D. go

38. A. stand  B. hang  C. stain  D. lie

39. A. break  B. sink  C. walk  D. remove

40. A. coldness  B. light  C. loneliness  D. courage

41. A. vague  B. typical  C. visual  D. conscious

42. A. forbade  B. shone  C. removed  D. collected

43. A. eyes  B. toes  C. hands  D. feet

44. A. Directly  B. Amazingly  C. Possibly  D. Luckily

45. A. contribution  B. appreciation  C. concentration  D. expectation

46. A. suspicious  B. cautious  C. tentative  D. sensitive

47. A. explore  B. head  C. clarify  D. assess

48. A. need  B. search  C. advance  D. spite

49. A. also  B. still  C. even  D. ever

50. A. rapid  B. mild  C. slow  D. gentle

51. A. up  B. down  C. out  D. away

52. A. makes up for  B. makes way for  C. makes use of  D. makes sense of

53. A. work  B. apply  C. answer  D. suit

54. A. disappointed  B. confused  C. scared  D. annoyed

55. A. darkness  B. hopelessness  C. anxieties  D. uncertainties



知識點:人物傳記 故事閲讀類


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