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Adult coloring books have been in circulation for a few years now, and actually the first adult coloring book was published in 1960, however, during the past year they’ve really taken the world by storm. 

Many adults can benefit and enjoy these popular coloring books, particularly today’s busy parents. Here are some fun and calming reasons you might want to purchase one or two of your own.

As parents, we tend to get caught up in the daily routine of getting our families hurriedly out the door for school and work each day—only to fall into bed exhausted and then get up and do it all over again the next day.  We may not have much time to devote to a hobby, but if you grab yourself an adult coloring book, you can get your creative juices flowing in a matter of minutes.

Parenting is wonderful but it's also full of daily stress that naturally go along with the job. Whether it be at the end of a busy day or you have a few free minutes while the baby naps, picking up a box of freshly, sharpened colored pencils and your favorite coloring book can take your mind off your "to do" list and transport you to a whole other world—one where you can be free to just enjoy the rainbow and simply embrace a little unwinding time.

Whether you choose to delight in colored pencils or an old-fashioned box of crayons, all you’ll need to grab is either one and your favorite coloring book. So if you’re in the car while your son’s finishing up soccer practice, or in the reception area waiting to have your teeth cleaned, your coloring supplies are a breeze to take along and help you pass the time in a colorful way.

Another benefit to taking up coloring is that it can also become a family affair. Sitting together with your kids and coloring is a great way to spend some quality time together, regardless of whether or not you stay within the lines! 

25. These popular coloring books ________.

A. drew the whole world’s attention in 1960        

B. were conveyed all over the world gradually

C. have been in circulation during the past year    

D. are of great benefit to today’s busy parents

26.  People like to purchase coloring books because________.

A. it can relieve their pressure and get them relaxed   

B. they can devote themselves to a new hobby

C. they can draw pictures before sleeping                 

D. you can feel comfortable by embracing wind

27.  Which one is  NOT the benefits of coloring books?

A. It is convenient for people to carry the coloring supplies.

B. They can help you kill time while waiting for someone.

C. Your family can enjoy the activity if you stay within the lines.

D. The whole family can participate in the affair while coloring.

28.  What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To advise on the use of coloring books.             

B. To describe the development of coloring books.

C. To explain the popularity of coloring books. 

D. To advertise the benefits of the coloring books.





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