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欄目: 造句 / 發佈於: / 人氣:2.98W

Opening an umbrella indoors is supposed to bring bad luck, though the origins of this belief are murky.

If it's too hot and humid to run outside, move your runs indoors to the treadmill or try a different activity, like swimming.

This morning all surfaces, even indoors, damp as a result of mist. A curious deposit all over my snuff-box, evidently residue of moisture acting on lacquer.

It was winter outdoors, but spring indoors.

With no wind indoors, for example, sweat will not evaporate as effectively.

Murals at this time were still painted indoors, with essentially the same fresco techniques that Michelangelo had used.

“I tried to start a garden on a city farm for a while, but I realized that I am not really an outdoorsy nature person,” she added. “Terrariums are a way to be connected to that while staying indoors.

Stay indoors during extremely cold or wet weather.

So its problems in Winter can be simply stated: very cold outdoors = no melting = no electricity = very cold indoors.

They were plainly bent upon taking a short quick stroll before going indoors to lunch or dinner, to restore warmth to limbs chilled with sitting through a long service.

Use scope: wooden road, alcove, grape frame, guardrail etc. all indoors or outdoors wooden production.

Summertime is a time for the outdoors - soaking up sun and recovering from the days of winter of being cooped up indoors.

Tone down the cooking indoors and grill outdoors when you feel the need to cook for a cooler home.


Fortunately the thunderstorm kept off until we were safely indoors.

After days of tracking, police responded to reports that Moat was on a riverbank at about 7:20 p.m on Friday. They warned residents to stay indoors for their own safety.

Instead, many stay indoors, wondering how long the fight for Tripoli will last.

If you're walking indoors, notice the sound of other people talking, the sound of footsteps and the hum of lighting fixtures.

Consider placing one in your mudroom or entryway, where car exhaust fumes heavy in formaldehyde are most likely to sneak indoors from the garage.

Tags:造句 indoors
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