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Don't ruffle the feathers of those you care about most.

“It’s an important advance to show that this dino fuzz really is feathers, ” Dr. Prum said.

Dazzling girls strutted down the catwalk, wearing startling creations of gauze, or velvet, or feathers, or not much at all.

A tuft or ball of wool, feathers, or other material used as a decoration, especially on shoes, caps, and curtains.

This lamp was designed by Halde Martin, it is such a simple idea, applying feathers to light and it looks angelic.

Confucius used the same analogy to answer Zilu, saying, "If one adds a metal tip to that bamboo arrow and feathers to its shaft, won't it shoot even farther and strike even deeper?"

A bird preened its feathers.

The peacock displayed its fine tail feathers.

The third picture shows feathers that have just such a specialisation: coiling reminiscent of that seen in the feathers of modern divers.

Three yellow-billed blue magpies throw themselves into the air with startled chortles, fluttering their absurdly long tail feathers.

On the other hand, Confuciusornis, which possessed the first beak and earliest pygostyle, or fused tail vertebrae that supported feathers, truly looks like a bird.

You've evolved from a "feathery" (stuffed with feathers) to a "gutty" made from latex of the Palaquium genus to today's standard 1.62 ounces, 1.68' diameter ball of rubber or synthetic material.


How can he fly from his feathers?

If their feathers get too wet, they can't fly.

Farmers retaliated with their shotguns, and milliners took the green and yellow feathers to adorn ladies' hats.

Eventually, dense rows of interlocking barbs formed a flat surface: the basic blueprint of the so-called pennaceous feathers of modern birds.

One could please oneself by many more images; such as the white garment of feathers that the young swans put on in the spring: the young flowers opening out their cups to the sun that fills them with his golden wine.

The peacock is showing its tail feathers now.

The origin of feathers could be pushed back further still if the "fuzz" found on some pterosaurs is confirmed to be feathers, since these flying reptiles share an even older ancestor with dinosaurs.

It had feathers and other traits of living birds but also vestiges of a reptilian past, such as teeth in its mouth, claws on its wings, and a long, bony tail.

Do not ruffle feathers if possible.

Both genders have feathers but female plumage and overall coloration tends to be more vivid and striking.

On a typical Sunday, he would attend church wearing a green coat, an orange tie, a silver vest, white pants and light brown shoes. Even the way he traveled was colorful. His coach was green and silver, and the horses wore ostrich feathers.

Both "sausage" and "meatball" pigment sacs appear in a sample from the cheek feathers of Anchiornis.

So my black swan doesn't have feathers.

Young ladies don't dare Yankee sentries to see a prisoner, just for charity's sweet sake, and come all dressed up in velvet and feathers and seal muffs too.

How the sun rose above the granite and concrete. How the pigeon flew above you, the whistle around its tail feathers trilling.

The little King Penguin had already grown majestic black and white feathers on his wings and stomach. But instead of a golden crest on his head, sat a tuft of downy brown fluff.

The bird has a tuft of red feathers on top of its head.

The cock has brighter coloured feathers than the hen.

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