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7、Meanwhile politicians would be tempted to turn Banks into instruments of industrial policy, propping up politically powerful industries such as carmakers and scrimping on more deserving recipients.

4、Debt is such a burden that it's worth scrimping for a few years, and even delaying graduate school, to pay off at least some of the debt.


2、He did not suggest getting rid of football stadiums (which usually pay for themselves) or scrimping on bed-and-board.

1、Farmers are scrimping on fertilisers to replenish the soils they plunder; some are leaving the land.

3、So scrimping on what will effectively be my home for so many nights already seems like an unwise economy.

6、Shifting generational dynamics will play a big role, as China's millennials are much more likely to use credit than their scrimping and saving parents.

5、Yet what if you die before you spend all that money? What would the point of all that scrimping and saving have been?

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