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“dairy cow”簡單造句,dairy cow造句子

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7、We have lots of dairy herds, dairy cows.

11、The effects of different diets on dry matter intakes( DMI)and digestion in lactating dairy cows were investigated.

15、Abstract: This study was conducted to investigate the effects of arginine infusion through jugular vein on serum biochemical and immune indices of dairy cows at mid-lactation.

dairy cow造句

2、OTTAWA, February 26, 2008 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has confirmed bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in a six-year-old dairy cow from Alberta.

6、Having been fattened up for slaughter, the six-year-old brown dairy cow escaped from her field in the village of Zangberg, 50 miles North-East of Munich, on 24 May.

12、However, though Iowa has lots of pigs, distillers' grains work much better as feed for beef and dairy cows.

17、The radioactive isotope Strontium-90, one of the by-products of the bombs, spread into the atmosphere, fell onto the land, was ingested by dairy cows and passed into the milk supply.

5、And while some headlines have touted the discovery as a way to get human breast milk out of the udders of dairy cows, this kind of transgenic milk is still far more cow-like than human-like.

13、Each year, federal inspectors find illegal levels of antibiotics in hundreds of older dairy cows bound for the slaughterhouse.

3、This thesis gives us a dairy cow precision feeding system based on PC and SCM, discusses the design of its hardware and software.

10、To examine the effect of fatty acid calcium on the ration of lactating dairy cows.

4、Having been identified and safety-tested, the above bacteria were mixed and cultivated to inoculate and ferment raw medium to microbiological culture BLS which was used to feed dairy cow.

16、Raising cattle is the most important kind of livestock farming. Many breeds are kept-dairy cows for their milk and beef cattle for their meat.

14、In this paper, the pharmacological mechanism of quercetin and its application in dairy cows production were reviewed to provide reference for the further development and application.

1、I met high school student Matt Davis and his best in show winning dairy cow.

9、This paper mainly reviewed the changes of the lactating dairy cows' rumen fluid metabolome caused by high concentrate diet and the impacts on the health of dairy cows.

8、The nutritional effects of rumen-bypass Met in dairy cows

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