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“try again”簡單造句,try again造句子

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7、The Arabs are right to try again.

11、They feel compelled to try and try again until they succeed.

15、I try to efforts to try again, until one day can be proud to stand in front of you.

19、Use a newsreader or other program to combine the files, and then try again.

23、Due to such boundaries, such forces try again and again to con ascending initiates into allowing them to piggyback and move off of earth through one's ascent.

27、We suspected that he thought slowly, but he could proud add the type of daughter to his name in six years. So I believe one sentence forever-If at first you don't succeed it try, try again.

33、Yet if you fail, which you might, at least there is a higher probability that you will live to try again.

37、Unsurprisingly, tickets sold out quickly and he and his wife have had no choice but to head back to the railway station every night after work to try again.

41、永遠不要把明天的事情放到昨天去做。 Never do yesterday what should be done tomorrow. 如果最後你成功了,切不可再次嘗試。 If at last you do aucceed,never try again.

4、OK, I'll try again tomorrow.

9、Select a valid Transport Type and try again.

14、I'll try again if you frighten me again. I will never start anything. Same to you!

20、There are too many decimal digits in the refund amount. Please try again.

25、When they meet failure, they will be seriously dejected and can never pluck up their courage to try again.

32、We are sorry but we have encountered technical difficulties accessing external Funds Transfer. Please try again later. We apologize for any inconvenience.

38、我要努力努力再努力,直到有一天可以驕傲的站在你們的面前。I try to efforts to try again, until one day can be proud to stand in front of you.

try again造句

2、You might well try again.

8、This service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.

16、Be so determined that no matter what happens the first time you try to do something you will try again.

22、Here is more advice: If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Also, never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

31、We will go to set off firecrackers and fireworks sound than a sound, I thought to myself, so loud, I really want to try again.

39、Because the world is so full of death and horror, I try again and again to console my heart and pick the flowers that grow in the midst of hell. 世界充滿了死亡和恐怖,於是我一次又一次地摘下長在地獄裏的花朵,安慰我的心靈。

5、If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again.

13、I fell down again, I try again, once, twice, three times... I was falling every time.

24、The ink cartridge in the printer does not match your print options. Check the cartridge, and try again.

35、Almost every major accomplishment in a person's life starts with the decision to try again and again - to get up after every failed attempt and give it another shot.

3、Oughtn't we to try again?

17、A person possessing detachment will not be affected or daunted by obstacles or failures and will try again and again.

28、Unable to connect to the outgoing mail server. Verify that your login information is correct, then try again to send and receive mail.

1、Why not try again?

18、Somehow I sensed he could teach me, or even lend me, the courage I needed in order to try again, to marry again and to love again.

36、The file name is not valid. It contains invalid characters, such as non-alphabetical and non-numeric characters. Make sure the file has a valid name and try again.

12、So for now, all you can do is try – and if that doesn’t work, try again.

40、In the grip of infatuation he felt bold enough to try again, although he knew it was wrong. Just as when, as a boy, he had taken a pole to poke a hornet's nest he was scared but his heart was pounding as if some imp of mischief was egging him on.

26、Hence, when you pursuit something which mean a lot to you, try your best to do it and never give up and never say no, just try, try again!

21、Luckily, here in star City they can restart and try again.

34、They maybe tried again until it worked but quite often it’s a technical problem (and) they can try again as many times as they like and it still wouldn’t work.

10、Rather than regretting for the failure, you should try again.

6、If at first you don't succeed, Try. try again.

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