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However, it is a mistake to assume that revealing the entirety of what has been secret will liberate us.

The Scoop: in the Wild West, a scarred bounty hunter tracks a voodoo practitioner who plans to on liberate the South by raising an army of the undead.

"We need to liberate this tiger," he said.

Declaring himself "protector" of peru, he spent a frustrating two years trying to persuade the country to liberate itself.

I want to liberate my universe of its phantoms and to people it solely with flesh-and-blood truths whose presence I cannot deny.


So how do we liberate desirable men from other women?

Their doggedness earned them the “bitter admiration” of the allied forces as they fought their bloody way through Normandy to liberate Paris.

Seeking to liberate their creation from the sepulchral atmosphere of the plague-ridden medieval era, the Notre Dame architects conceived of a design more spacious than that of their predecessors.

Coverage, in that sense, has the potential to help liberate people who suffer from mental illness from both financial and social obstacles to treatment.

The ban will also liberate America's politicians to speak like normal people.

Mr. Haniyeh said armed resistance is the only way to liberate Palestine.

No one can sell you a guide or solution that will give you what you need to liberate yourself.

In awe of his mother, but in love with his father, the adolescent Max chose to stay with Mac, who lived just long enough to see his son "liberate" Port Stanley from the Argentine army in 1982.

The arrival of XML, along with the acknowledgement of the usefulness of open standards, has begun to liberate data from the confines of single applications.

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