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And, it moves at a constant speed.

The result is " constant distance " - exceptional yardage , shot after shot.

It's the gas constant per molecule, rather than per mole.

Sieves the dissection position which soaks and the shape is roughly constant.

In some countries, such as Italy, a constant brain-drain is one more depressing symptom of a stagnant economy.

This way, the end goal is always in sight; it’s a constant visual reminder of where I need to go.

A major reason for the significant progress of China's national economy over the past five years is the constant deepening of reforms in all fields.

In standard processors, depending on the numerator and denominator, a 32 bit division takes 20-140 cycles to execute. The division function takes a constant time plus a time for each bit to divide.

The International System unit of electric potential and electromotive force, equal to the difference of electric potential between two points on a conducting wire carrying a constant current of one ampere when the power dissipated between the points is one watt.

The spacing is maintained constant.

We would play in the hay, the constant tweeting of the hatchlings-a constant background symphony.

What is the reality? Reality is change, there is no constant emotion, there is no constant person.

"Demand will be constant and supply is likely to be lumpy and infrequent," Brunel said.

Aim for constant improvement and consciously and methodically work towards positive change where you need it most.

The nearby towns of Olancha and Lone Pine are marked by the presence of green vegetation, indicating a more constant availability of water.

In order to keep all factors constant, a snack went to the cooperating child (the one not being tested) regardless of whether he or she was called upon to pull.


fine structure constant

She matured her novel by constant revision.

FLATOW: All right, Michael, stay with us because we want to talk to you about another spooky thing, this alpha constant that may not be so constant, okay?

Though I am afraid of cold now, I always smile into winter because of the constant feelings of snowflakes.

Conditions in the maternity wards of hos2 pitals were almost as bad as in the surgical wards. There were constant epidemics. The mother often became feverish and died.

For even greater efficiency consider buying a tankless water heater. Tankless water heaters only heat water when it is needed, instead of keeping a reserve of water at a constant temperature.

And so, this is constant.

And I know how to relate that to a constant.

The most difficult thing in the world is to maintain a constant relationship in a changing world.

Increasing the pressure inside one set of panels while holding it constant in the others causes the robot to bulge out on one side and thus move in the opposite direction.

Sommerfeld fine-structure constant

But despite Mr Thompson's constant "Eight is enough" chant, the issue has not galvanised many voters.

All those lives maintained in the rarefied air of the absurd could not persevere without some profound and constant thought to infuse its strength into them.

Not quite constant.

inflation tax: Increased income tax paid as wages rise with inflation But tax thresholds remain constant.

I set off on this trip with the vague expectation that three months of navel-gazing would clear my head of the frustration, that is for me at least, the constant shadow of middle age.

Life as an educational technologist is a constant challenge.

Love is a long run of the war, not to see how fast you run, but to see if you have a constant heart, a step by step, when the essence of the love you really know, is the beginning of happiness.

Classical constant temperature was used comparing with the variation of consistency and the constant of reactive rate in different results indicated that the stability of volatile oil in inclusion compound was obviously superior to that of original volatile oil.

This has been a timely reminder of the need for constant care.

When Ilaria was a year old she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy which means she is unlikely to walk. She’ll never speak properly and will require constant care.

Do not fear not, only fear no constant.

He remained constant till death.

Tags:constant 造句
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