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Scientists have also predicted, with mixed results, a preference for red among women, who would've needed to spot red berries against green foliage in our ancestral hunter-gatherer societies.


Original paragraph: But there is strong evidence that in hunter-gatherer societies women's subordination to men did not exist.

Despite the constancy of these primal urges human culture has experienced upheaval after upheaval in the period since our hunter-gatherer forebears roamed the savannas.

Scientists have shown that females are drawn to pinks and reds and men to blues and greens, and they believe the explanation lies in our hunter-gatherer past.

The connecting theme is that in the division of Labour that forms the primordial bargain of human hunter-gatherer societies, it is the men who do the hunting and the women who do the gathering.

Of course we could solve the problems of today if we reverted to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, but global populations and changed circumstances make that impossible. There is no simple solution.

The most important gatherer of personal information in the country is the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

As an academic I am keen to re-awaken interest in the ancient hunter-gatherer population who lived in Britain before the arrival of farming 6,000 years ago.

Tribes became possible after the invention of agriculture, which allowed for higher population densities than could be sustained in hunter-gatherer societies.

Tags:造句 gatherer
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