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In the short run, markets are nervously watching dry weather in South America.

She saw him stare at the coals glowing red through the crevices of the stove and run his fingers nervously through his hair.

He nervously played with a paper clip and pretended to read a report I had prepared on how I would build my business if I was hired.

Paraguay, who used to be a great team in defence, showed their attacking talents while Slovakia, who entered World Cup finals for the first time, played a bit nervously and failed to show their best.

She fluttered nervously about the room.

The lawyer, Francis Scott Key[10], spent a night nervously watching the British bombardment of nearby Fort McHenry.

During a raid on a Chicago bar he once shot a customer in the chest at point-blank range simply because he smiled nervously.

Feng Yun-ching burst out, his face quite pale now. His straggly moustache twitched nervously, and his eyes glazed. He stared at his concubine with a mingled look of suspicion and alarm.

JAKE nervously grips the surcingle of the mare.

Standing nervously at the bookshelf, I was poised to replace the volume quickly if I heard footsteps.

The group of 22 Girl Scouts are gazing at the image before them: a nude white woman in a pool of water, towering above three nude black women who appear to eye her nervously.

"Chemicalanalysis of the matter, Jim?" Adams asked, nervously spinning the chair infront of him.

It's not dead yet, but it's gasping for breath, while all copyright business follows nervously in its wake, wondering who's going to be the next to keel over.


Sucre waits nervously on his bunk.

Subject 046M, for male, was seated nervously across from me at the table, his hands clasped tightly together in his lap. He appeared to have caught an incurable case of the squirms.

The younger detainee, who wore a faint moustache, shuffled his feet nervously, not knowing what to say.

At that, the airman nervously reached over and buttoned the colonel's shirt pocket.

I asked him to sit down and he, after balking a second, sat quietly in the chair with his hands sandwiched by two legs, nervously twisting his fingers.

He twitched nervously at his tie.

Below, the cliffs fell straight to the valley floor, and as we jolted over the bridge I remembered nervously being told that it was high enough to fit Christchurch Cathedral beneath it.

Tags:造句 nervously
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