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Their ascent reflects the world's shift in economic power from west to east.

This is the modern city, not as a scene of fragmentation or despair, but rather a place of ascent and aspiration.

It was built originally because vehicles could not cope with the 27% gradient so it was suggested that switchbacks of hair pin bends were built thereby making the ascent or descent more manageable.

They made a successful ascent of the mountain.

We had one young chiropractor quit and close their practice, as it did not resonate with their ascent any longer.

My father's first reaction in 1979 to Khomeini's ascent to power was that he was delighted to see a cleric, like his own father, ruling a country.


The old man had difficulty climbing the rapid ascent.

Their ascent to the top tier of New York fashion represents an important demographic shift on Seventh Avenue.

The song itself is incredible, with the mood of it seeming to mirror the ascent of a soul to heaven after death, something which one of the band once initially stated.

Facebook passed 400 million active users in February and continued its ascent throughout the year.

How do you explain this ascent?

Some people liken its ascent to that of the iPod, but that's misleading because the market for portable MP3 players was chaotic and immature when Apple entered it.

Who survives the ascent to the top of this payment ladder is still a very open-ended question.

We would like to offer our support in more greatly seeing the archetypal patterns and ancient karma one is transcending through one's ascent.

Aliyah literally means “ascent”, while leaving Israel is yeridah, “descent”.

The last part of the ascent is very steep.

Tags:造句 ascent
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