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7、It's a sign of the encroachment of commercialism in medicine.

11、Monitoring urban encroachment on cultivated land with TM images in China;

15、Far more numerous, analysts say, are clashes in rural China, where villagers challenge industrial encroachment on farms and rarely succeed.

19、Stopping the geographical spread of cities both protects productive land from further encroachment and keeps such land closer to the urban population.

23、Article 52 Where an encroachment upon the right of the person or other lawful rights of a minor constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

1、An intrusion or encroachment.

5、I resent the encroachment on my time.

10、To protect individual interests, property rights must be defended from illegitimate encroachment by the state.

16、The Chinese people will defend their territory and sovereignty and absolutely will not permit encroachment by foreign governments.

21、At present, because business secret obligee appears short of proper protection sense, and what with weak striking force, encroachment on business secrets often happens.

26、Although Chen Wen and Zheng Chenggong did not cooperate in the Ming Army of Southeast China, their mutual echoes had made the Qing Army of Southeast China unable to move and entered the stage of differentiation and encroachment.

6、An encroachment, as of a right or privilege.

13、Tiger Numbers worldwide have collapsed from an estimated 100,000 over the past century, due to poaching and human encroachment.

20、Dalian city shorts of water, and faces much geological environment problem, such as sea water encroachment, so indiscriminately exploiting groundwater is not permitted.


2、encroachment of right

9、The country had seized vast territories of other countries by piecemeal encroachment or wholesale annexation.

18、and to find that limit, and maintain it against encroachment, is as indispensable to a good condition of human affairs, as protection against political despotism ...

3、An encroachment on their property.

14、If encroachment of state is not dealt with properly personal rights and human dignity will not be protected effectively and the encroachment of state will not be prevented from happening.

25、Results In 45 cases of primarily malignant tumors of nasal cavity,7 cases of malignant tumors in nasal cavity and accessory nasal cavity at the same time or encroachment forthcoming constitution.

17、Iran's role in Western strategy was to pose a barrier to Soviet encroachment that could not be surmounted short of all-out invasion.

8、This irks the Kremlin, which claims to fear American encroachment in its own backyard.

4、Iresentthe encroachment on my time.

12、Mr Rogan details the slow encroachment of European imperialism into nearly every corner of the Arab world.

24、The State protects the right of exploration and of mining from encroachment and protects the order of production and other work in the mining and exploration areas from interference and disruption.

22、The Red List already includes species such as the tiger, of which only 3, 200 are thought to exist in the wild and whose habitat in Asia is steadily shrinking due to encroachment by humans.

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