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“behind the front”簡單造句,behind the front造句子

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7、What one sees at the entrance is only a small square court behind the front vestibule and the beginning of a narrow dark passage.

11、Not far from her new home, the setting sun shyly hides behind the front shore hill and disappears. She probably arrives at her new home.

behind the front造句

2、Seats in the house of commons, behind the front bench, where ordinary members of parliament sit

6、Members of the counter-insurgency force landed behind the front line in the Piochar region, about 40 miles from Mingora, the main city in the Swat Valley.

12、Space in the bumper or behind the front grille has to be created for the bigger camera, because it is sensitive to the artificial temperature environment inside the passenger cabin.

4、Two rows of seat in the house of commons, behind the front bench, where ordinary member of parliament sit

10、A thermal sensor mounted behind the front grille looks out far in front of the headlights as I test-drive the DeVille, scanning for infrared energy coming from animals or humans.

5、The key difference between the new A5 and the rest of Audi's lineup is that the engine will now be placed behind the front axle.

1、The check room is just behind the front door.

13、Located directly behind the front grille, the air intake system draws air through a long plastic tube going into the air filter housing, which will be mixed with the car fuel.

3、It USES radar sensors mounted behind the front grille to sense the car in front of you and maintain a set following distance.

9、While Rushton and Misery were looking over the house they discovered a large barometer hang on the wall behind the front door.

8、The deer runs about 50 feet before collapsing. The shot is clean, and fatal, just behind the front leg. Magan has her buck.

Tags:front 造句
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