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“domesticated animal”簡單造句,domesticated animal造句子

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7、A rich variety of cultivated plants and domesticated animals are the foundation for agricultural biodiversity.

11、The abundant remnants of wild game indicate that the people who lived here had not yet domesticated animals or farmed.

15、The newly domesticated animals behaved better, were easier to control, and may have enjoyed a higher birth rate, which in turn yielded greater milk supplies.

4、Pianezzi has slowly introduced his alpaca, a domesticated animal from the Andean highlands, to the water over the past several months.

9、Large savage dogs accompanied the nomads on their wanderings, driving their domesticated animals and guarding their encampments.

14、We grew fruits, vegetables and grains to feed ourselves and support those domesticated animals we relied on for meat and dairy products.

5、While agriculturalists rely on domesticated plants, pastoralists rely on domesticated animals.

12、"The thing you have to remember about domesticated animals," she responded, "is that people began keeping them because they, in fact, had a purpose." They worked.

3、Keeping an exotic non-domesticated animal is never a good idea.

13、The revolutionary changeover from food-hunting nomads to farmers who raised grain and domesticated animals would occur in the last 60 seconds.

8、The suggestion of a co-evolution between people and domesticated animals is not new.

6、a special kind of domesticated animals within a species.

10、Columbus and his men brought wheat, cattle and domesticated animals like horse and sheep to the Americas.

domesticated animal造句

2、a domesticated animal kept for companionship or amusement.

1、The dumbest domesticated animal is the turkey.

Tags:animal 造句
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