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“current account”簡單造句,current account造句子

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Clerk: The term current account means a demand ally, a checking account.

Until the crisis struck, the euro area's current account was roughly in balance.

If our imports are greater than our exports, we will have a deficit in our current account.

The current account reflects trade in goods and services, the flow of stocks and bonds investment and one-way currency transfers such as foreign aid payments.

In the January-March quarter, the current account deficit climbed to an unprecedented 112.5 billion US dollars, an 18.3% increase over the 95.1 billion US dollars of the previous quarter.

A deposit or current account?

I think a current account will be to your satisfaction.

Here you are. I wonder how much interest can I earn from a current account.

The basic fact is that the current account deficit is equal to the difference between national investment and national saving.

This in turn has caused a jump in the current account deficit, or the trade deficit plus interest payments and other transfers.

The resilience of Asia is such that Thailand this year will run a current account surplus of 8% of GDP, as against a deficit of 8% in 1996. Although, for the time being, much of the surplus comes from a severe cut in imports.

NUMERICAL targets for the current account are economic nonsense.

If the us will not run large and persistent current account deficits, countries such as China, and probably Germany and Japan, will not be able to run large and persistent current account surpluses.

Several emerging markets, in particular the Baltic states and Turkey, run large current account deficits and depend on inflows of cheap capital to finance these deficits.

current account造句

The Conservatives achieved surpluses on current account.

With flexible exchange rates, markets force countries to devalue, which reduces their current account deficits.

What the global economy needs is for China to grow and for its current account surplus to fall.

I want to oped a current account.

Thus, China's bilateral current account surplus with the U. S. is one-quarter of the global U. S. deficit .

It was confirmed by th IMF in its Staff Report on Article IV Consultations with China in 2000 that China had no existing forex restrictions for current account transactions.

The current account surplus is expected to be 3.6% this year. but the surplus is down from 4.7% in 2007.

The minute he does it, the next thing to go will be his current account, his savings account.

Good. I think I'll open a current account please.

So we can analyze the current account, capital and finance account of balance of payments item by item from accounting point.

To open a current account with themselves for the Company and to advance any money to the Company with or without interest and upon such terms and conditions as they shall think fit.

Since there is so much intra-eurozone trade, a current account surplus in one member naturally means there will be a deficit in another.

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