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For Shumlin, even a mud puddle can make for an adventure.

I couldn't do anything other than reward him by walking on the more difficult side of the puddle.

Just jump into it and doodle a small event that happened to you that day... from something as small as stepping into a puddle of mud, or watching your favorite TV show.

When "old" people see a puddle, what do they do?

'There's a lack of civility, ' said Mr. Rebete, frowning at a puddle on a sidewalk.

There are classic cone-shaped ones and also volcanoes in the shape of a puddle or a lake with a blowing bubble in the middle.


The puddle evaporated rapidly in the sun.

The only thing you had to worry about was maybe stepping in a puddle and getting your socks wet.

Instead, he dragged her outside and forced her to walk for two hours to a park, where he pushed her to he ground, rolled her in mud and threw filthy puddle water at her.

We saw small children bathing in and drinking from a muddy puddle.

A puddle astonishes us.

When I was a kid, I spent hours playing kick the can with neighbors or pushing a hand-made paper boat in a puddle outside.

As thousands of stranded motorists can attest, what looks like a small puddle can be much deeper.

A nine-year-old kid was sitting at his desk when suddenly there is a puddle between his feet and front of his pants is wet.

The children always puddle about after a rain.

The metaphorical puddle goes on; it swamps us.

Tags:造句 puddle
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