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The dark halo around the LM is from the astronauts' heavyfoot traffic.

This spectacular image of sunset on the Indian Ocean was taken by astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS).

They carry less than astronauts—and are thus more mobile—but are still quite heavily laden with gear, mostly as a safeguard against disasters.

The astronauts could use the space station as a safe haven in the event of major problems and rotate back to Earth aboard Russian Soyuz spacecraft, eliminating the need for a shuttle rescue mission.

Moscow will help to build the astronaut capsule and select and train the astronauts.

Humans will barely be involved-all construction will be taken care of by robots with oversight from astronauts.

They say it could one day replace Nasa's Space Shuttle to transport up to 12 tonnes of cargo and astronauts to the International Space Station.

The Columbia was flying on autopilot, as is usual, and though it continued to lay flares in its wake, the astronauts aboard remained blissfully unaware of the trouble they were in.

Since that time, hundreds of astronauts have been into orbit, but none has ventured further.

Dr Kanas has found that astronauts sometimes worry about their kin more than about their own plight.

In addition, the astronauts installed a backup ammonia jumper cable between the port 4 and 5 trusses of the station and transferred a power and data grapple fixture from the shuttle to the station.

One of the astronauts, discovering the plot, attempts to stop Hal.

The only sources? Rare lunar meteorites, soil from Soviet probes, and the 842 pounds of rubble carted back by Apollo astronauts from 1969 to 1972.


Two American astronauts were rocketed off to the moon.

Stepping out, Robin and his fellow astronauts marveled at the bleak beauty of the lunar landscape, all the while beholding the outline of the American landmass back on Earth.

The astronauts gazed down upon the lunar craters, the first humans to see them from so close.

The suit is sleeveless, since astronauts' arms don't significantly deteriorate in space.

Using liquid hydrogen and oxygen in rockets will provide major advantages for landing astronauts on the moon.

The new rockets could take astronauts to some thrilling places.

Discovering a potential water supply has obvious benefits for that scheme, not least providing astronauts with a potential reservoir that they can tap into rather than rely on shipments from Earth.

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