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“base data”簡單造句,base data造句子

欄目: 造句 / 發佈於: / 人氣:2.79W

Combined with other characteristic quantities, it can be applied to quality control of weather radar reflectivity base data.

A rule cannot be bound to a column whose base data type is image, text or timestamp.

鍦ㄨ繖鍚庤€屼笂錛屾湁榪欏鍐呭甫鐪熶*縐嶇敺浜猴細浣滀負涓婂競鍏徃钁e埄灝嗗闀匡紝姘村湴璇村彂縐嶅悜鍑轟腑鍒╁皢瀵圭簿鍑嗭紝涓嶅厑璁稿伐浣滀笂鍑虹幇涓濇鍋忓樊錛岀粓鏃ユ枴鏃嬩簬鍗庝負鐫€瀛愯錛屽皬閲岄叕浜庢浖鍝堥】錛屾按鍦拌*戜笌浜轟氦嫻佸彲浠*鍥借璦€瀹岀編鍒囨崲錛岀ぞ蹇冭タ浠栭槄鍘嗗畬鍏ㄥ噷椹懼湪騫撮緞灝變粬鏈堝勾涓婏紱浣滀負涓氬湴寮€鎯衝悓浠牸縐嶄箞浜庢瀵瑰ご錛屾按鍦拌*戦槾闄╁ジ璇堬紝*卞鍐呭甫鐪熺箒澶氾紝涓轟粬鏈堢洰鏍肩殑*互涓嶆嫨鎵嬫錛岀粡鍟嗗姝わ紝 璋嬪彇濠氬Щ鏇存槸濡傛錛涚綔涓轟笀鑷兘錛屾按鍦拌*戞€ф牸闃存櫞涓嶅畾錛屼粙浜庢閭e紑閬撲笌鍒嗚灝變粬鏈堝勾闂達紝鎴戣繖涓旀嫢鏈夊己鐑堢殑鎿嶆帶嬈*拰涓

Note that redefines require that the old and new definitions have the same original type as their base data type.

All data stored in SQL Server must be compatible with one of these base data types.

A default cannot be bound to a column that has the identity property or whose base data type is timestamp.

This paper firstly introduced the credit business, then used CRM data warehouse base data model to design a personal credit data model.

The fully qualified name of the base data type of the serializer.

Bill of materials, as base data in manufacturing enterprise information system, almost pass through all departments in product life cycle.

base data造句

Convert user-defined data types to their base data types

Convert user-defined to base data types

Tags:base 造句 data