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Neomycin is one of the aminoglycoside antibiotics, and on the cellular level it inhibits phospholipase c.

Bisphosphonates are synthetic equivalents of naturally-occurring pyrophosphate, which inhibits bone resorption and AIDS the body in eliminating excess calcium.

Protein transduction domainhepatitis B virus core antigen fusion protein-induced specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte response inhibits hepatitis B virus replication in hepatitis B virus-transgenic mice

The high recurrence of atrial fibrillation after segmental pulmonary vein isolation inhibits this techniques clinical application and the mechanisms and causes of which were reviewed in the text.


Many people view structure as restrictive, something that inhibits spontaneity.

The addition of mannitol inhibits the formation and growth of callus.

AIM: To study the effect of which Injectio Bupleurum inhibits RSV in the condition of cell culture.

The apparent success with which they have monitored and infiltrated Palestinians in the West Bank has created an attitude of condescension that inhibits peacemaking.

Probably, therefore, some substance in the tranquilizer inhibits fertility.

SiRNA targeting HDGF inhibits the proliferation of SW480 cells of colon cancer

RNA interference-based silencing of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-3 inhibits the proliferation of gastric cancer cells

Studies in rodents suggest that stress during pregnancy inhibits neural growth, while the children of women who lived in war zones during pregnancy have a higher risk of developing schizophrenia.

Promotes skin elasticity, induces cell regeneration, refines wrinkles, inhibits expression lines; generates and accelerates skin repair.

Conclusion PQN inhibits the expression of ICAM-1 in lung vascular endothelium, and had protective effects on acute lung injury induced by sepsis.

an antineoplastic drug that inhibits the utilization of a metabolite.

Giesler theorizes that the itch sensation creates an excited state in the STT neurons that scratching inhibits - as if our fingernails were sending a message to spinal-cord neurons to cool off.

Not to react to a stimulus immediately but to get hold of the instincts that inhibits and checks.

MUC1 peptide inhibits tumor cell proliferation by binding small MUC1 protein

Calcitonin inhibits the bone resorption, increases the bone mass and improves the abnormal bone structure. Calcitonin may prevent the bone loss in castrated male rats.

RNA interference inhibits VEGF expression in retinoblastoma cells:an experimental study

It inhibits lysosomal enzymes in the catabolic phase of inflammation.

Tags:造句 inhibits
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