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During 20th century, unitary ideology had met with crisis of legitimacy and even the finality of ideology had been suggested by some scholars.

It is ideology, not indifference, that is keeping the Chinese away from the diplomacy.

But in Russia the greatest source of their strength is not their ideology, their Numbers or their money.

A certain ideology, which offers the legitimacy for one group to exclude, stigmatize or even oppress ano...

I myself, of course, cannot escape the fact that my own ideology, too, is a representation of both, current technologies and my individual interests.

By and large this unelected system is made up of strong believers in the original ideology of the revolution, or at least people who have a strong vested interest in it.


And they have an ideology of hate.

'We are not under one ideology,' he said.

People are beginning to question the ideology and lifestyle which they have been used to.

In order to appease the turbulent tribues, the chiefs propagated superstition to alter the member’s ideology and consolidate their reign.

The values of populism, which originated in the traditional social and political ideology of America, later dominated the development of antitrust law.

Taking the" Line-up campaign" promoted by Taipei City government in1979 as an example, the author suggested that this campaign was a kind of bodily discipline emphasizing senses of social order, efficiency and civility derived from the ideology of modernization.

His ideology has evidently not changed in half a century.

The explanation of this seeming paradox is that wishful thinking has trumped pro-market ideology.

She also proves that you can be a career woman without needing to subscribe to any fixed feminist ideology.

The Middle East's mad dog: Qaddafi's militantly pro-Palestinian and pan-Arab ideology brought him into close contact with the anti-Western bloc of Arab nations during the 1970s and 1980s.

He had an idea, not an ideology.

Combine course resource of democratic teaching of ideology and politics lesson, etc.

REP. HENRY WAXMAN: in other words, you found that your view of the world, your ideology, was not right, it was not working?

Then you get this ideology.

The focus of the meeting, held this month, was on culture and ideology.

Literature of the New Age carries on an all-round reflection on political ideology. One of its basic tasks is to entirely deconstruct the artistic myth of revolutionary heroism.

"Ideology" is a very important category in the current research on humanistic social science. The relationship between aesthetics, art and ideology is one of the most questionable issues.

Constitutionally, basin legislation model is a result which the benefit, the value and the demand gamble together, and is infected by the value order, the ideology and the system foundation.

The despising of manual labour, a vestige of the ideology of the exploiting classes, is an obstacle to the progress of our new society.

So, looking back at our own history, the root causes of most conflicts are resources and ideology.

Despite the obvious political undertones in "Avatar," at least one right-leaning critic doesn't think people who disagree with the film's ideology should totally dismiss it.

If it is a philosophical book, then it must aim at transmitting ideology, but the fact is, I care not the correctness of the ideology but its reasonability.

This is not, I assure you, only about ideology.

Tags:造句 ideology
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