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7、Its sort of their golden oldie... I just don't think that dog will hunt anymore.

11、performance figures suggest this golden oldie can still hang out with some of the best from today.


2、An oldie, but still a puzzlement.

6、An oldie-but-goodie, it's hard to believe that the game is over a decade old.

12、An oldie but a goodie, the fight in the playground is still one of the best fights ever put to film.

4、During the festival, we'll be showing 13 classic oldie films.

10、These things often turn out to be hoaxes - balloons with flares is an oldie but a goodie.

5、No people gave the seat to the oldie.

1、That's an oldie.

13、First, we need a way to find competitors. This can be done by browsing traffic sources obviously. Another way to find affiliates is to use an oldie but goodie.

3、This record is a real oldie.

9、The missionary position is the most conventional position and, let's not deny it, we all like this oldie-but-goodie.

8、She wants me to meet one of those poisoned oldie 's families.

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