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欄目: 造句 / 發佈於: / 人氣:1.73W

Certain species of aquatic animals are capable of producing physiological shocks.

"Worrying eats up brain resources they could use to perform well, " a physiological phenomenon Beilock explains in her book, "Choke."

Evidence of a distinct trance unique to hypnosis would require physiological markers of subjects' responses to Suggestions to enter a trance.

The typical versatility of purple non-sulfur bacteria in terms of dark metabolism (Madigan 1988, 1998) may thus favor this physiological group over purple sulfur bacteria in Lake Fryxell.

One physiological need that we often neglect is sleep.

The reasons for this are likely to be both physiological and aerodynamic.

Polygraphy tests do not detect lies, says Frank Horvath, past President of the American Polygraph Association. They detect physiological arousal to psychological stimuli.

The physiological activators of the red pepper and the garlic in kimchi plays the role of preventing cell aging, sterilizing noxious germ, killing pain, improving immunity and the like.

Most published studies of gestures are physiological, linguistic, or psychological.

For example, breathing through the mouth affects hundreds of biochemical and physiological processes in the human body.

A new study now adds cardiovascular health to the list of music's potential benefits, suggesting it can directly trigger physiological changes that modulate blood pressure, heart rate and respiration.

the branch of psychology that is concerned with the physiological bases of psychological processes.

Gendlin's view, with which I concur, is that he is checking them against the ongoing psycho-physiological flow within himself to see if they fit.


Assimilative processes are phonological changes due to physiological mechanisms.

The occupation of firefighter, by nature, entails dealing with extreme heat, exposure to toxic substances, and causes high levels of psychological and physiological stress.

In TCM theory, Yin and Yang are used to explain physiological and pathological phenomena of the body.

Objective To Study the effect of Haematococcus pluvialis powder on physiological metabolism of Wistar rats.

Twelve standard varieties differing in cold endurance were impirically investigated into variations of the physiological and biochemical indices at seedling stage after low temperature treatment.

The physiological needs are reasonably satisfied.

Many lines of physiological and pharmacological evidence show that AMPA receptor desensitization plays an important role in fast excitatory synaptic transmission by affecting transmission efficacy of individual synaptic bouton, integrative functions of neuron, and synapse plasticity.

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