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Facing midlife crises, the two make a momentous decision: retaining a third analyst they can see together for couples' therapy.

The important thing is that we create a new vision of midlife and beyond, and that we are willing to do whatever we can to fulfill that vision.

Life is a long way you go, from youth to midlife and agedness. Anyone else does not through difficulty and frustration, grief and pain? None the aspersions of rain, no beauty of the rainbow.


Dennis's suspicions of his wife smacked of midlife crisis.

American Beauty took the romantic dreams of Kevin Spacey's midlife suburbanite and exposed them to the glare of reality.

To be honest, I do believe pop music is somewhat special for young people and also reserved for those suffering from a midlife crisis.

Time and timing: One of the greatest challenges people in midlife face in their dealings with the elderly is to slow down and find the time to be fully present.

We tend to think of the concept of the midlife crisis as being around for ever, but it's recent.

He first dreamt of making it as a film student, he says, and it was during that midlife period of reflection that he came back to it again.

Depressive symptoms and menopausal burden in the midlife.

At the same time, midlife is a time to nurture and give back, whether by having children or engaging in mentoring or social activism.

For most people, midlife is a time of independence and mastery.

That's why it might be hard for an 18 year old to choose their career, but it's a damn sight harder for someone in midlife when limitations have been learnt.

It sounds like a cliche, this "waking up one day," but it's called having a midlife crisis, and it happens to people all the time.

Now they face midlife crises.

Don't wait until your midlife crisis to realize that half your life has passed you by and you're still unhappy.

A new age group is entering midlife-and some members are tackling it differently than those in generations past.

Tags:midlife 造句
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