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'well, that worked well,' said the butcher, in a satisfied manner.

This object was clearly made not just with the knowledge of a hunter but also with the insight of a butcher, someone who not only looked at his animals, but cut them up.


'What have you done?' shrieked the butcher.

The butcher went into town, hired a lawyer, and got the tailor evicted from his house.

As Saito pointed out, the skill of the butcher consists in the ability to highlight the differences in the meat's textures and the skill of the chef lies in showing them off at their best.

'Nothing,' said the butcher, who thought the place would do admirably to keep a mistress.

Populations vulnerable to infectious diseases from wild animals include those who work in live animal markets and rural villagers who hunt and butcher wild animals.

Many western countries raise and butcher a large number of beef cattle.

The butcher let out a howl.

The couple have also invited many guests from the charities they work with, and Middleton has used her influence to invite the butcher, shopkeeper and pub owner from her home village of Bucklebury.

The butcher trusted them for the meat.

In the Cuisine Minceur version, whatever the butcher may say, veal and beef should be cooked "naked" and not wrapped in layers of fat.

There is a crucifix in his office, inevery classroom of the Max Fellermeier school and even in the Spanish-themedrestaurant run by the gay butcher.

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