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Wool and wood were sent to Egypt for linen or papyrus.

They cut this sign in the stones they used for buildings. And it was painted on the papyrus rolls used for writing about medicine and doctors.

The idea is that whatever village you're in, whatever country you're in, your local resources should be able to adapt to your needs - whether it's coconut fiber or papyrus.


Can papyrus shoot up without marsh?

Since papyrus dries up and crumble, very few documents of ancient Egypt have survived.

Linen and cotton paper, which the European learned about from the Chinese through the Arabians, replaced parchment and papyrus from the twelfth century on.


The oldest surviving description of cancer is written on a papyrus from about 1600 B.C..

People on the ground hear a voice from the cloud, though what it says may be forever unknown due to a tear in the papyrus.

We had a few papyrus fragments, three papyrus fragments, that had Greek versions of just parts of the Gospel of Thomas, just pieces of it from Oxyrhynchus, Egypt.

The word paper derives from papyrus, the name of a riverside plant similar to grass, from which an ancient form of paper was used in Egypt and Mesopotamia.

Also, Egyptian papyrus documents by ancient physicians refer to diabetes symptoms.

By the time it reached Kasser, the papyrus—a form of paper made of dried water plants—was decaying into fragments, its message on the verge of being lost forever.

Hundreds of thousands of papyrus fragments, retrieved 100 years ago from a dry rubbish dump in the Egyptian city of Oxyrhynchus, have been put online in a bid to crowdsource translations.

The Egyptians wrote on papyrus.

Stationary cave walls gave way to rock and clay tablets, which in turn were supplanted by papyrus and animal-skin documents, including scrolls.

Other exports included linen, papyrus, alabaster, various kinds of stone and coloured glass--a much prized product of Alexandria.

Tags:造句 Papyrus
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