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All protests will be substantiated through the use of a polygraph.

I can home in on it by attaching the polygraph to one of the bean plants in the mobile unit.

But, truth be told, the polygraph is a crude tool that the esteemed National Research Council says has extremely serious limitations.

The model rats amplitude and frequency of gastric electricity, frequency and tensile force of gastrointestinal muscle in vitro were surveyed with multipurpose polygraph.

Yet interpreting a polygraph chart is notoriously difficult.

'Not 21st century technology' : a traditional polygraph test.

To qualify for contact with intelligence at all levels, it is necessary to pass strict identity checks, including polygraph tests.

The producers devise questions after interviewing friends and family members, and they are posed to the contestant separately with a polygraph machine before the taping.

In fact, due to such skepticism, the U.S. Supreme court decided in a 1998 case involving military courts that a defendant did not have a right to introduce polygraph evidence.

They flew Troy to Chicago and paid for a lengthy polygraph (lie detector) test at the Keeler polygraph Institute.

The progress of event-related potential as an indicator of detecting information in field of polygraph examinations

Measuring perspiration is one of the markers of a polygraph test but is not an indication on its own of a person telling a lie.

'We don't believe the polygraph is a 21st-century technology.'

The capital's authorities have decided to test experts dealing with buying for city's needs with the polygraph.

The paper analyses the value of evidence and the weight of proof from the canonical analysis and suggests that the polygraph conclusion can be used as evidence in the criminal procedure.

The entry for 'polygraph' is cross-referred to the entry for 'lie detector'.


Arousal-points and stimulus for the test-question in polygraph;

The camera also correctly identified 11 of the 12 people who were telling the truth - a slightly better rate than the polygraph.

39 Thus, polygraph tests suffer from a high rate of "false positives" - innocent people whom the test deems guilty.40.

There are no norms on test personnel as well as the admissibility rules, which leads to the disorder of polygraph application and holdback of the technology in judicial proceedings.

The right ventricular pressures were measured by polygraph system for recording pulmonary artery pressures.

The panel's report to NRC found no evidence of polygraph validity.

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