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The overwhelming majority of those animals - cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, lambs - are raised in hideous, overcrowded factory conditions.

The operetta is about a girl named Bettina who is sent to take care of the turkeys of an unlucky farmer by the farmer's brother.

Several efforts to make it easier for shareholders to nominate directors have been frustrated by lobbying from corporate turkeys keen to postpone Christmas for as long as they can.

This year, she canceled the meal and donated a dozen turkeys to two homeless shelters.

Each year, the President also "pardons" a Thanksgiving Turkey -actually two turkeys, since one is a backup in case the other decides to misbehave during the ceremony.

Later today, Michelle, Malia, Sasha and I will also be taking two unnamed turkeys, who weren't so lucky, to a local food bank here in D.C. that helps those in need.

After men behead the birds, the women plunge the turkeys into a trough of steaming water to loosen the feathers.

Due to the reputation of turkeys being incredibly stupid, the term "Turkey" began being used as a slang, derogatory term meaning something akin to "idiot" around the early 20th century.

Turnpikes are not for turkeys! Sandwiches are. And who wants tire tread in his lunch?

"You might be a lame duck, but you still have the power to help lame turkeys, who are made that way by the cruelty of the meat industry," PETA President Ingrid Newkirk wrote in the letter.

The gobble sound, from the male turkeys, on the other hand, sounds exactly like you'd expect from the name and they do this all the time.

The cost of roasting turkeys doesn't tend to follow actual wholesale prices but is often a loss leader.

Unlike some neighbors, Logan said, she never had thoughts of catching one of the turkeys in her yard and turning it into dinner.


Note: domestic turkeys are shockingly stupid, but wild turkeys are not.

Bronze turkeys were a cross between European domestic turkeys brought from Europe by colonists and native American turkeys.

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