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With that, Jack began punching Sam and giggling.

We were giggling and laughing until out of nowhere, she got mad at me.

They enticed 17 hungry hyenas with bones or pieces of meat, and recorded about 250 bouts of giggling.

There she goes, the girlie pound, joyfully blown on pampering, indulgence and good times and, on the evidence, giggling around the retail economy in her millions.

Childhood fun is like countless stars in the sky, beautiful and charming like the waves of the sea. Memories of the past, even I myself can not help but hey, giggling.


What giggling people would call “foot jobs.”

Soon the kids were dancing in circles and giggling.

It is a frightening and bizarre spectacle to a Westerner but many Thais will sit giggling or remain indifferent.

And she was giggling at him. Spread-eagled on the floor, her brocaded gown hitched up above her thighs, she taunted him between giggles.

However, one night of mind-blowing, soul-shattering ecstasy means you'll never in your life enjoy this magical creature's gentle nuzzling. It feels like taking a bubble bath full of giggling puppies!

I started giggling-and my husband became nervously irritated.

I think he knew we were horsing around, because old Phoebe always starts giggling.

There were a few young women of that age, some of them giggling nomad pilgrims making their first attempts at pleading for food and money.

She climbed in and, turning onto her side, rubbed her knee along his bare thigh, typed her fingertips atop his shoulder, let her dark hair fall across her breast, giggling all the while.

I was tickling him, and he was laughing and giggling.

"Why not?" she replied, not giggling. She tightened her apron strings and walked over to her stove.

ZioF. T., the patron saint of giggling, naughty children who toboggan downstaircases, throw bread balls at restaurants and even put toddler cousins inlarge salad bowls and spin them across floors.

The giggling couple loaded up their red sports car and drove off.

Finally, he found himself in a hotel, in bed with Liu Yu-ying; she was flushed and giggling, and her soft white hand, as hot as fire, was on his chest ....

They then exchanged I love you's and as well as their secret code 'KKLB', which a giggling Mariah left unexplained.

'So cruel,' laments another, covering her mouth and giggling.

Her giggling rasped his nerves.

I heard birds chirping. I heard my children giggling and working things out themselves.

The giggling, possibly underaged bimbos who do bong hits and play video games on the couch of Zuckerberg's summer rental in Palo Alto, Calif.

Or he'd sneak them up the stairs-they'd be pissed and too skinny and giggling-into the bedroom, and Ciara would be in the bed, waiting for him.

Tags:giggling 造句
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