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But baths are brilliantly relaxing. Use the shower head to rinse off afterwards.

It works brilliantly - we found pages opened in a new TAB within a couple of seconds of us sending them.

Many wealthy people, for example, find Damien Hirst a brilliantly creative artist whose work is worth the millions they pay for it.

Now Akhenaten's 3,400-year-old world has been brilliantly recalled in an exhibit titled "Pharaohs of the Sun: Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Tutankhamen," which opens this week at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts.

Read brilliantly-written blogs, and learn from them.

In this new role I know he will merge Google's technology and business vision brilliantly.

A brilliantly inventive and surprisingly suspenseful escape movie conjured from the fearsome prospect of consignment to the toy box in a day care's toddler room.

Paul Rudd and Seth Rogan played off each other brilliantly in this scene, however, a different version than the one in the video was used for the real movie.

AMY: Did you know that you act brilliantly?

Your talents might very well lie in brilliantly creating convincing perceptions, but how do they stack up against the reality?

The two reindeer swim closely, one behind one the other, and the sculptor has brilliantly exploited the tapering shape of the tusk.

It is not that the blacks are any less bright; some perform brilliantly.

What lifts the Big Bang Theory into frequent excellence is its one constant from the start: the brilliantly nuanced performance of Jim Parsons.


I think Jones captured jungle warfare brilliantly.

Squinting her eyes, she gazed at the brilliantly green crops growing above. "It's hard to imagine," she said. "What are those crops? They're really tall."

He had performed brilliantly and capped it off with the clinching goal.

This is one of the most well-crafted and brilliantly performed miniseries in a long time.

Hence, either Elano or Ramires, tireless conformists, will occupy the shirt number that Ronaldinho once so brilliantly wore.

Her article brilliantly demolishes his argument.

Capote was 5ft 4in, openly gay, with a squeaky voice and flamboyant fashion sense, as portrayed brilliantly by Philip Seymour Hoffman in his Oscar-winning role in Capote, and Toby Jones in Infamous.

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