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“lookout for”簡單造句,lookout for造句子

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But scientists are always on the lookout for any evidence that might suggest an alternative to the Big Bang.

According to a recent call for research proposals, the Army is on the lookout for a fabric that could adapt to temperature.

Once I'm inside a culinary casbah, I'm on the lookout for spices I've never tried before, because I love to cook and to experiment with new flavors.

Prudential and its rival Aviva, both on the lookout for new markets at the end of the last century, decided on different tacks: Pru went into Asia, and Aviva into continental Europe.

His job as a mason takes him to lots of different locations, and he’s always on the lookout for a great sunrise or sunset, or even just a nice field with sheep or cows. Then he picks out one of the snapshots, clips it to his easel, and paints.

Then be on the lookout for new opportunities. Take them when they arise and enjoy life.

Today, it hunts alone, a sign the dingo is probably on the lookout for a small game.

Many times fake drugs look just like the authentic product. But sometimes there are subtle differences that consumers should be on the lookout for, Theriault said.

If investors are wrong to automatically assume that the financial or technology sectors will lead the market's next major leg up, what should they be on the lookout for?

lookout for造句

Everyone must keep a sharp lookout for this sign.

We kept silent, on the lookout for the large crocodiles that were visible from the rim of the canyon.

He or she should be constantly on the lookout for opportunities to streamline process without sacrificing quality — and that includes keeping project work products to a minimum.

As Clint warns you do have be on the lookout for cheaters (perhaps doing trivial and pointless checkins every hour) and reset the points every so often to given everyone a chance to win eventually.

Along came the king's potter, who was always on the lookout for firewood for his glazing oven.

And mind you, keep a lookout for Injun Joe, because he said he was going to drop into town and spy around once more for a chance to get his revenge.

Keep sharp lookout for signals of vessel in distress and report.

But that's precisely what it is, a lightning-fast risk assessment performed by your reptilian brain, which is ever on the lookout for danger.

You are supposed to be on the lookout for things like that.

Are there symptoms or red flags parents, coaches and others should be on the lookout for that signal a young person is at high risk of sudden cardiac death?

Awdry had been on the lookout for places to set the imaginary railway -he had received many letters from young readers asking, "Where's Henry's tunnel?" and "Where's Gordon's hill?"

Be on the lookout for someone whose color you admire.

This interview is the first of a series of interviews we are running with leading industry figures, keep a lookout for the next one!

Now that you've studied your map, be on the lookout for those transition areas on your hike.

Tags:造句 lookout
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