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Ivy creeps up the walls of the school buildings.

B: What you said gives me the creeps!

An error often creeps into a book through a printer's mistake.

As night falls, a single federal police lorry creeps along the southern edge of the former green zone.

The Governor of Louisiana declares a state of emergency as an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico creeps closer toward the shore, threatening wildlife.

Hence, to him who studies the physical relations of earth, sea, and air, the atmosphere is something more than a shoreless ocean, at the bottom of which he creeps along.

The rabbit creeps away.

This place give me the creeps.

That pervert again?! He gives me the creeps.

The Sahara desert, for example, creeps southward at a rate of thirty miles annually.

I should be glad at this news, but barely does a hint of gladness cross my face when a shadow of sadness creeps across it.

For Angel the prison where Tess is confined has at this fatal hour a deadly and significant fascination. Slowly,silently, a Black square creeps up the pole and flutters chill against the morning sky.


One that creeps.

A feeling of stillness creeps into my consciousness.

When it creeps into forests, it forms dense carpets that can choke out native tree seedlings.

Doombringer Devour: enemy creeps + scan of neutral camps and Devouring Centaur Khan for his Stomp Skill or he'll search for Speed aura (early levels).

But when one of them creeps close to a fly -- the usual target -- its body jerks and a gob of spit shoots out so fast the fly cannot react.

Mania creeps up on me like that.

The colossus structure creeps in all over the main street in CBDs to deliver 250,000++ passengers a day.

The Vice President creeps up behind him from the darkness, “You’ve done your country and your party a great service. It will not go unnoticed.”

It provides good defense against creeps, however.

Women demand confidence in men, but also consider men who are confident and forward to be “creeps”.

Much of the confusion creeps into the situation because users are so familiar with the behavior of modal dialogs. A modal dialog can adjust itself for the current selection at the instant it was summoned. It can do this with assurance that the selection won’t change during its lifetime. Conversely, the selection is quite likely

There's something about that old tramp that gives me the creeps.

he gives me the creeps.

Spring creeps up from the ground, through the darkness of the frozen layer, and no obstacle can stop it from moving forward.

Steer clear of negative thoughts. If a negative thought creeps in – replace it with a positive thought.

It's a curse, 'a model told me backstage at the Armani Prive couture show in Paris earlier this year.' we're pulled around, we get all these creeps after us.

Don't be afraid to use Glacial Storm against creeps if nothing interesting is going on.

Hale and Kellerman's sedan creeps into a secluded clearing.

Tags:creeps 造句
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