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“electoral votes”簡單造句,electoral votes造句子

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People still argue bitterly over whether George ush truly won in Florida, the state whose electoral votes made him president even though he had garnered fewer votes nationwide than Al Gore, his main opponent.

electoral votes造句

That said, the automakers hold a trump card: Michigan and Ohio have 37 electoral votes.

Republicans generally count on Florida as a must-win state in the state-by-state battle to accumulate the 270 electoral votes necessary to claim the White House.

Zachary Taylor won both the popular and electoral votes. He became the twelfth President of the United States.

As they campaign in the final days, both Barack Obama and John McCain will try to cobble together enough electoral votes to get to the magic number of 270 to clinch the presidency.

I had won more electoral votes than in 1992, and four of the seven Senate candidates I had campaigned for won: Tom Harkin, Tim Johnson, John Kerry, and, in Louisiana, Mary Landrieu.

Franklin had won with a plurality in electoral votes of 449 to 82.

Even in the unlikely event that Obama carried exactly the same states he carried in 2008, he’d still win six fewer electoral votes in 2012.

In the final election results, Obama won 349 electoral votes, McCain won 162, and 27 were undecided.

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