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determined to outdo her brother at work and games

For some this power will outdo the user's knowledge of how to use it properly.

Those with much less theory behind them, but more experience actually speaking, will outdo the academics every time.

In the boom years Dubai never exercised much oversight over the conglomerates that sought to outdo each other, even as they Shared the government's financial backing.

From the moment he entered the league he was not only expected to not only to redirect the Nuggets but to outdo his famous draft class members, Dwyane Wade and LeBron James.


To surpass in obvious excellence;outdo.

To outdo or get the better of by devious means.

To surpass or outdo(another, as in speed, growth, or performance.

I tried to figure out how I can outdo Mr Blair, but really I cannot - on almost every front.

The governments of France and the UK launched a joint project to outdo the Americans at their wn game,①by designing a supersonic jet that would re-store European technological preeminence.

But he needed to outdo himself.

You are considered highly creative, and all this month you will positively outdo yourself.

The Gallaghers are back for a third season that promises to outdo the previous two in drama, heartache, and humor.

As usual, a raft of management speak makes it into the dictionary, led by out-strategise: a verb by to outmanoeuvre (an opponent, rival, etc. ); to outdo in strategising.

The real thing is likely to outdo that rout.

(one should not strive to)outdo one's model, leader, mentor in enthusiasm, loyalty, strictness, in adhering to dying customs, etc.

At first, when it seemed that Hsin-mei and Hung-chien had both suffered the same misfortune, Hsin-mei had tried his best to outdo his friend in his expression of pain and misery, not daring to let Hung-chien alone get a name for being brokenhearted.

A heavy person can outdo a lighter one in such jobs

In combat, warbands from various cities try to outdo each other in terms of enemies killed, banners taken and the like– war is a game, and this is a way of keeping score.

Some staff members prefer to argue and have to outdo others to stop.

And July is doing its best to outdo June.

To outdo(another)in talking.

The effects of psychological balance outdo all health measures.

When I was very young, my mother brought back a puppy from her relatives'house. Everyone named it Doudou.

But sometimes if you're so busy working to outdo everyone else, some of the important things can fall through the cracks.

Tags:造句 outdo
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