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7、Time always too long, long to palpitate.歲月總是太長,長到心慌。

11、That wisp of purple smoke, let my heart palpitate, touch my heart faintly, let me stick to the world's most beautiful true feelings, for the beauty of the heart, in the rolling red dust, my heart is still.

15、people have a long and long way to go in life. There must be many scenic spots along the way. Of course, there is no lack of beautiful scenery that makes you palpitate. But you must be clear that not all the scenery you like can belong to you.

4、Ordinary grass, the green of life, it is the color of life that makes people palpitate.

9、Furious when the heartbeat is accelerated, the unusual display with occurrence palpitate, frowsty bosom, cause angina pectoris or miocardial infarction even.

14、No matter the heart is not empty, the heart is not messy. The life learns to follow, can live unrestrained and unrestrained. We have struggled, we have lost, we laughed, we cried, we palpitate, we were sad. In the noisy world, we are independent, not humble, not hyperactive, not contending, nor vulgar.

5、Both buck and doe have a little gait and both their eyelids palpitate.

12、The patient's heart continued to beat palpitate is to pulsate with excessive rapidity and often arrhythmically, as a malfunctioning heart might;the term may also denote a trembling, shaking, or quivering movement:

3、How is giddy palpitate handled after drunk wine?

13、Results Patients were infected by close quarters contacting each other. All patients manifest high fever, and accompany by dyspnea, cough, palpitate, weakness , headache and swirl. Other 46 cases were accompanied by diarrhea.

8、She carried her heroism to the pitch of knitting socks for the forthcoming baby, although to do so made her heart palpitate uncomfortably.

6、To palpitate is to pulsate with excessive rapidity and often arrhythmically, as a malfunctioning heart might;

10、The heart sounds that pass through time and space always make people palpitate. Tears flowing in the corners of the eyes always make people feel bad.


2、He felt suddenly faint, and his heart began to palpitate.

1、The thought of flying makes me palpitate.

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